What the #$%@ is body fat percentage?
What’s a good amount of body fat to aim for?
How the heck do I figure it out how much I have?
Body fat is an incredibly tricky subject – it’s tough to calculate, tough to track, and most people are way off in their estimates of what they think their body fat percentage is. That’s why we are exited to have The InBody 570 scale at our gym. It is a state-of-the-art technology that enables OUR TRAINERS to look beyond the number on the scale and show you what your body is really made of.
We get a lot of questions about the InBody 570 and body composition analysis:
- What it is?
- How it works?
- Why the InBody 570 is superior to other available tests?
- Who might benefit from being tested?
- How often one should be measured and what you need to do to be measured.
Below, I tackle this topic. If you have any questions after reading, please fill out the “get in touch” form here and we will get back to you!
What is the InBody570?
FITLAB Manchester offers the InBody570 body composition analyzer. Administered by a FITLAB certified fitness trainer the InBody test provides vital statistics about your overall health and well-being.
You simply stand on a scale and grab the handles. The InBody570 takes just 45 seconds to calculate your weight, muscle mass, % body fat, segmental lean analysis, water content and the potentially dangerous measurement – visceral fat. FITLAB fitness staff will review your results and develop your personal fitness plan.
What does the InBody570 analysis provide to me?
Efficient calculations of your weight, lean body mass, body fat, and total pounds of body water can be complemented by using a tdee calculator to determine your daily calorie needs based on these metrics.
Information about your body and the way it functions so our certified trainers can effectively create a tailored fitness and nutrition plan focused on losing body fat %, and gaining muscle as well as other health benefits.
Body mass index (BMI), basal metabolic rate (the amount of calories burned at a resting rate), and segmental lean body mass measurements. Gaining access to this information enables our trainers to design your personal fitness plan that will help you achieve your goals and see better results.
- Total body water with a differential of water both in and out of the cell – where you have water collecting in your body (edema), which can be a sign of injury or inflammation. FITLAB trainers will address any issues with you. You can also try products like CBD Oil in order to reduce the inflammation. And if you’re looking for a great way to relax and unwind, you may check out some Thc Flower here. Why would I want to have my body composition measured on the InBody 570?
If accurate results are important to you and you want to tailor your fitness goals armed with the knowledge of where you are NOW, then you should get measured. Our InBody 570 scale can differentiate between fat, muscle, and fluid which is why we decided to purchase it. Better information allows you to make better decisions about what you are currently doing to achieve your specific goals.
So who will benefit?
Anyone who is interested in accurately monitoring how a fat loss/muscle building strategy is working will find the InBody 570 highly useful. It has a graphing function that shows you what is happening with your body fat over time. For individuals who are starting or participating in a weight/fitness training program, the InBody 570 is a valuable complement. You will be able to accurately measure your progress with segmental muscle mass – separate readings for each leg, arm, and your trunk (abs, chest, back).
I’m interested! How do I get my body composition done?
Please fill out the “get in touch” form here and indicate you are interested in the InBody Scale.We will get back to you with available times and pricing.
The InBody has revolutionized the field of Body Composition Analysis and currently is the most advanced product on the market .